My work has evolved from a figurative mode with a suggested narrative that allowed many readings, through to a pure visual one.
The main focus of my work in the last ten years has been sculptural, working with forms, which can be read differently from several viewpoints in space.
Images have developed from the early figurative concerns through to a preoccupation with underlying compositions.
In particular I have been dealing with light and shadow, positive and negative, as much as building forms.
With these elements in mind the work has shed surface additions aiming for directness and simplicity of surface.
The Liminal series
Some of my work has been titled “Liminal”
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as, 1: relating to a transitional or initial stage. 2: at a boundary or threshold.The making came first, the word I stumbled upon and liked its suggestive power as an introduction to a body of work.
As human beings we have to build an understanding of our three-dimensional world, in order for us to recognise objects, to touch, navigate and contemplate.
Although my work had often been based on some figuration, within this group of objects I have been deconstructing and reconstructing pure form, allowing relationships of structure and light to gather in new ways.